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Каспийский Диалог 2016


Котухов А.Н., Тынянова О.Н. К вопросу о философских истоках и ценностных основаниях профессиональной подготовки сотрудников силовых органов


Котухов Александр Николаевич, кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии и методологии науки Одинцовского гуманитарного университета



Тынянова Ольга Николаевна, кандидат политических наук, ведущий инженер Института физики Земли РАН им. О.Ю. Шмидта



В статье дан краткий обзор классических политико-правовых концепций, рассматриваемых в качестве источников ценностных оснований государственного принуждения и значимых с точки зрения профессиональной подготовки сотрудников силовых органов государства.


Ключевые слова: ценности, ценностные основания, государство, государственное принуждение, государственные служащие, силовые органы государства, осевое время, рациональность, иррациональность.




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16.                                                Курочко М.М. Онтологии служения русского воинства: Дисс. … к. ф. н. М., 2003.

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34.                                                Jackson M.W. "Bureaucracy in Hegel's Political Theory." Administration & Society 18.2 (1986): 139—157.

35.                                                Morris C.W. "State Coercion and Force." Social Philosophy and Policy 29.1 (2012): 28—49.

36.                                                Ni P. "How Far is Confucius an Aristotelian?: Comments on May Sim’s Remastering Morals with Aristotle and Confucius." Dao 8.3 (2009): 311—319.

37.                                                Rohr J. Ethics for Bureaucrats: An Essay on Law and Values. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1989.

38.                                                Shaw C.K.Y. "Hegel's Theory of Modern Bureaucracy." American Political Science Review 86.02 (1992): 381—389.

39.                                                Schwartz S.H. "A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications." Comparative Sociology 5 (2006): 136—182.

40.                                                Stivers C. Governance in Dark Times: Practical Philosophy for Public Service. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2010.

41.                                                Taylor C. "Sir John Fortescue and the French Polemical Treaties of the Hundred Years War." English historical review 114.455 (1999): 112—129.

42.                                                Thompson K. "Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Political Authority." Kant Studien 92.1 (2001): 62—78.

43.                                                Yu J. The Ethics of Confucius and Aristotle: Mirrors of Virtue. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.



Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:

Котухов, А. Н., Тынянова, О. Н. К вопросу о философских истоках и ценностных основаниях профессиональной подготовки сотрудников силовых органов [Электронный ресурс] / А.Н. Котухов, О.Н. Тынянова // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2014. — Т. 7. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast7-1.2014.81





On the Matter of Philosophical Origins and Value Foundations of Security Forces Employees Professional Training


Alexander N. Kotukhov, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Odintsovo Humanitarian University



Olga N. Tynyanova, Ph.D. (Political Science), Leading Engineer, O.Yu. Shmidt RAS Institute of Physics of the Earth



In the face of increasing risks and threats to state security, training of law enforcement agencies is an essential task of the state. In turn, this makes a very topical issue of value foundations of such training and public service as such. Because this issue remains urgent throughout the humankind history, insofar the classics of world philosophy repeatedly addressed to the issues of the state, state (power and legal) coercion as a particular kind values. Our article is a brief review of Confucius’. Aristotle’s, Plato’s, Somnium Viridarii’s, Grotius’, Locke’s, Hobbes’, I. Kant’s, G. Hegel’s, Vladimir Soloviev’s and Ivan Ilyn’s ideas of state and state/military service. For these purposes, we use the social-philosophical method, as well as content- and comparative analysis.

Most attention we paid to the concepts of state, civil service, civil and military virtues in Somnium Viridarii and in Hobbes’, Locke’s and Hegel’ philosophical doctrines that laid the foundation of modern concepts of civil servants. I show in the framework of these philosophical concepts, law and legal nature of the state strictly determine moral and values foundations of civil service and public enforcement. In the framework of these philosophical theories, legal foundations of state and public life also determine professional qualities of civil servants and employees of power departments, to which these philosophers subsumed only representatives of the administrative elite.

In our article, we show both Confucian and Western value foundations of state, law, state coercion, and the public service subjects’ activities formed in the axial time and for this reason, these values are rational categories. In contrast, the moral values of Russian society and government services are irrational nature. We conclude on the need to take into account these civilizational differences during the training of power officers and government officials.


Keywords: values, value foundations, state, state coercion, government officials, security forces of the state, axial time, rationality, irrationality.




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Cite MLA 7:

Kotukhov, A. N., and O. N. Tynyanova "On the Matter of Philosophical Origins and Value Foundations of Security Forces Employees Professional Training."  Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time]  7.1 (2014). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast7-1.2014.81>. (In Russian).



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