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Волков И.В.
Об истоках российской торговли в Прикаспийском регионе: общий и правовой аспекты (XV—XVII вв.)
Волков Иван Васильевич, кандидат политических наук, член Общества по изучению истории отечественных спецслужб
E-mail: ivolga54@gmail.com
Автор рассматривает развитие торговых отношений русских земель с населением Прикаспийского региона в период царствования Василия III и Иоанна IV. Показано, что установлению прочных торгово-экономических связей со странами региона и Индией способствовала ликвидация враждебных России Казанского и Астраханского ханств, освобождение Волжско-Каспийского торгового пути и переход его под полный контроль Русского государства. Приведен анализ нормативных актов второй половины XVII в., свидетельствующих о протекционистской политике русских царей в отношении торговли в Прикаспийском регионе.
Ключевые слова: русско-каспийская торговля, Волжско-Каспийский торговый путь, купечество, жалованная грамота, «Армянская компания», пошлина.
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Kotilaine J.T. Russia's Foreign Trade and Economic Expansion in the Seventeenth Century: Windows of the World. Leiden: Brill, 2005.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Волков, И. В. Об истоках российской торговли в Прикаспийском регионе: общий и правовой аспекты (XV—XVII вв.) [Электронный ресурс] / И.В. Волков // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 5. — Вып. 1. — Часть 2: Пространство и время Каспийского Диалога. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast5-1-2.2014.13
Volkov I.V.
About the Origins of the Russian Trade in the Caspian Region: General and Legal Aspects (XV—XVII Centuries)
Ivan V. Volkov. Ph.D. (Political Science), Member of the Society on studying of Russian secret services history
E-mail: ivolga54@gmail.com
Unifying potential trade relationship is of considerable interest, especially in the case of polyethnic and multicultural Caspian region. In this term, the history of trade relations and their legal formalization is at the same time the history of conflictogenic situations political solving.
The object of this study is formation and initial legal formalization of Russia's trade ties in the Caspian region after the fall of the Golden Horde and Tatar khanates, which controlled the Volga-Kama basin and Volga delta. General historical part of the article is devoted to the problem of consolidation of Russia in the Caspian region as a full trading partner of Safavid Persia and India of Great Moguls.
In my article, I have considered Russian trade relations evolution in Caspian region since the reign of Vasili III Ivanovich and Ivan IV Vasilyevich up to the end of Aleksey Mikhailovich's epoch. As to the first stage (from Vasili III Ivanovich up to Ivan IV Vasilyevich), I show that fall of Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, cessation of their policy of brigandage and plunder on the Volga-Caspian trade route, and its transition under the full control of Russian State helped to strengthen trade ties in the Caspian region.
The second part of my article is devoted to the legal aspects of Russian trade ties in the Caspian region in the second half of the 17th century. Russian State's 'grant-charters' (regulatory enactments) analysis allows me to conclude about the protectionist policies of the Russian tsars with respect to trade in the Caspian region. At the same time simultaneously with the patronage towards the merchants of Eastern countries Russian sovereigns restricted the trade activity of Western European merchants. Thus ‘Armenian Company’ received special privileges from Alexei Mikhailovich in 1667. I paid particular attention to its role in the Russian State's trade in Caspian region, as well as to the legal status of this trade institution.
Keywords: Russian-Caspian trade, Volga-Caspian trade route, merchantry, grant-charter, ‘Armenian Company’, customs duties.
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Cite MLA 7:
Volkov, I. V. "About the Origins of the Russian Trade in the Caspian Region: General and Legal Aspects (XV—XVII Centuries)." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya, ‘Prostranstvo i vremya Kaspiyskogo Dialoga’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time, 'The Space and Time of The Caspian Dialogue’] 5.1(2) (2014). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast5-1-2.2014.13>. (In Russian).