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Востриков Я.О., Пирожков П.И.
«Зелёный листопад» 2016 года
Востриков Ярослав Олегович, ученик 4 класса МБОУ «Гимназия №1», г. Новосибирск
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7018-9636
E-mail: yaroslav-o-vostrikov@j-spacetime.com; t_vostrikova@mail.ru
Пирожков Пётр Игоревич, ученик 4 класса МБОУ «Гимназия №1», г. Новосибирск
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0672-8185
E-mail: petr-i-pirozhkov@j-spacetime.com; prime_nsk@mail.ru
Авторами рассмотрен природный феномен — зелёный листопад, имевший место осенью 2016 г. в Новосибирске. Причиной, повлиявшей на состояние лиственных деревьев, стали необычные для этого времени года в Сибири погодные явления, объяснение которым может быть получено в рамках дегазационной концепции доктора геолого-минералогических наук В.Л. Сывороткина. Согласно этой концепции, погодные аномалии — результат геологических процессов, в которых задействовано жидкое ядро Земли. Выделение из него водорода приводит к разрушению озонового слоя Земли, а изменение при этом состояния ее магнитного поля приводит к увеличению общего содержания озона. Если озона в атмосфере мало, это приводит к аномально тёплой погоде, если много — к аномально холодной.
Ключевые слова: лиственные деревья; «зелёный листопад»; хлорофилл; пробковый слой; погодные явления; озон.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Востриков, Я. О., Пирожков, П. И. «Зелёный листопад» 2016 года [Электронный ресурс] / Я.О. Востриков, П.И. Пирожков // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2017. — Т. 15. — Вып. 1: Studia studiosorum: успехи молодых исследователей. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast15-1.2017.13.
Vostrikov Ya.O., Pirozhkov P.I.
The ‘Green Leaves Fall’ in 2016
Yaroslav O. Vostrikov, 4th grade pupil at Gymnasium no. 1, Novosibirsk
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7018-9636
E-mail: yaroslav-o-vostrikov@j-spacetime.com; t_vostrikova@mail.ru
Petr I. Pirozhkov, 4th grade pupil at Gymnasium no. 1, Novosibirsk
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0672-8185
E-mail: petr-i-pirozhkov@j-spacetime.com; prime_nsk@mail.ru
In the fall of 2016, there was an unusual phenomena were observed instead of the usual leaf fall in Novosibirsk: the leaves on the trees were green even in November, and they were under the steady snow cover. A similar ‘green leaf fall’ was observed not only in Novosibirsk, but also throughout the territory of Siberia and Ural. This phenomenon was unusual for this regions at that time of the year, and public opinion and Siberian scientists have linked this with weather anomalies. These last-mentioned are in the focus of acute discussion during the last several decades.
That’s why the subject matter of our paper is green fall of the leaves in Novosibirsk in 2016. In order to do that, in the third decade of October 2016 we collected broken and fallen branches with leaves of birch, aspen, poplar, mountain ash and oak on the streets of Novosibirsk. We investigated this natural material with the help of CarlZeissAxio microscope with integrated digital camera at the Chair of Zoology and Methods of Biology Training, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
The results of microscopy confirmed our assumptions that chlorophyll in the investigated leaves did not collapse, because of which their color did not change. Cork layer at the place of joining the sheet with the branch was not formed. Considering this phenomenon as the result of weather parameters, we carried out an analysis of weather changes in Novosibirsk using Russian Internet sites, including official site of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, and summarized data on the average monthly temperature in the falls of 2014—2016 in Novosibirsk. It turned out that during this period after the abnormally warm September, anomalously cold October and November followed. Under these conditions, high air and soil temperatures and sunny clear days first did not contribute to the destruction of chlorophyll in the leaves. Then, there was a sharp cooling, on a still warm soil fell a record amount of rainfall, and the excess moisture in the soil did not allow slowing down the movement of plant juices in deciduous trees. The cork layer from the dead cells at the place of joining the leaf with the branch was not formed either.
We suppose an explanation of these natural phenomena can be obtained within the framework of the degassing conception of Vladimir Syvorotkin, D.Sc. in Geology, Mineralogy and Geoecology. According to his theory, weather anomalies are the result of geological processes in the liquid core of the Earth. Its hydrogen degassing leads to ozone layer depletion and causes a change in the state of magnetic field of the Earth that leads to increasing total ozone. In cases where total ozone in the atmosphere is low, the weather is abnormally warm, in cases where the total ozone is high, the weather becomes abnormally cold.
We conclude this is real nature mechanism of wheather anomalies, and, since this is a natural mechanism, the trees, apparently, will be able to adapt to it and evolve. However, in the process of this evolution, the weakest trees and even some species may die.
Keywords: broadleaved trees; ‘green leaf fall’; chlorophyll; cork layer; weather parameters; ozone.
Cite MLA 7:
Vostrikov, Ya. O., and P. I. Pirozhkov. "The ‘Green Leaves Fall’ in 2016." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time15.1 (Studia Studiosorum: Achievements of Young Researchers) (2017). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast15-1.2017.13>. (In Russian).
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