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Голубов Б.Н., Сапожников Ю.А.
Подземный ядерный взрыв «Глобус-1» и дальняя миграция его радионуклидов к подземным источникам питьевого водоснабжения Кинешемского района Ивановской области
Голубов Борис Николаевич, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, старший научный сотрудник, ведущий научный сотрудник Института динамики геосфер РАН, Москва

E-mail: boris-n-golubov@j-spacetime.com; bgolubov@mail.ru
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1516-1822
E-mail: yuriy-a-sapozhnikov@j-spacetime.com; yas34@mail.ru
Подземный ядерный взрыв (ПЯВ) «Глобус-1» проведен 19 сентября 1971 г. в Кинешмском районе Ивановской области, в 4 км к северо-востоку от деревни Галкино, в пойме реки Шача, правого притока реки Надога, впадающей в Горьковское водохранилище на левом берегу реки Волги. В декабре 2010 г. авторами при содействии администрации Кинешемского района Ивановской области было проведено рекогносцировочное обследование зоны ПЯВ «Глобус-1», впервые выявившее особенности дальней миграции радиоактивных продуктов ПЯВ «Глобус-1» с подземными водами, что прежде ускользало от внимания исследователей. Результаты и выводы из данного исследования, а также обсуждение нынешнего состояния проблемы излагаются в настоящей статье.
Ключевые слова: подземный ядерный взрыв; глубинное сейсмическое зондирование; радионуклиды; подземные воды; Московская синеклиза; Решемское поднятие; миграция; источник питьевого водоснабжения.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Голубов, Б. Н., Сапожников, Ю. А. Подземный ядерный взрыв «Глобус-1» и дальняя миграция его радионуклидов к подземным источникам питьевого водоснабжения Кинешемского района Ивановской области [Электронный ресурс] / Б.Н. Голубов, Ю.А. Сапожников // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 13. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.91.
Golubov B.N., Sapozhnikov Yu.A.
‘Globus-1’ Underground Nuclear Explosion and Its Radionuclides Long-Range Migration to the Underground Drinking Water Sources in Kineshma District of Ivanovo Region

E-mail: boris-n-golubov@j-spacetime.com; bgolubov@mail.ru
Yuriy A. Sapozhnikov, D.Sc. (Chemistry), Chief Researcher at the Chair of Radiochemistry, Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1516-1822
E-mail: yuriy-a-sapozhnikov@j-spacetime.com; yas34@mail.ru
Studies of ecological effect of underground nuclear explosions on the environment are much-needed in present time.
The subject matter of our article is long-range migration of radioactive products of underground nuclear explosion ‘Globus-1’ with groundwater (possible causes, mechanisms and pathways). For these research purposes we used system analysis of physical-geographical and geological conditions and parameters, as well as data of both previous studying “Globus-1” zone and our own field and laboratory radiochemical research in explosion area.
Underground nuclear explosion (UNE) ‘Globus-1’ was conducted 19 Aug. 1971 in Kineshma District of Ivanovo Region, in 4 km north-east of the Galkino village, the in the floodplain of Shacha River that id right tributary of the Nadoga River, a tributary to the Gorky reservoir on the left bank of the Volga River. UNE power was 2.3 kt. This UNE was set off to the seismic sounding Earth's crust. Its charge was laid down on depth 610 m in deeper Permian section near the surface of Lower Permian chemogenic rocks erosion of Sakmarian age, which was overlapped unconformably by silicified dolomitic limestones strata of Kazan stage of the Upper Permian.
With the explosion, there was emission of radioactive products of UNE, together with water-gas mixture, sand and clay due to depressurization of hole annuity, under the influence of high pressure. The dose rate of gamma radiation exceeds 100 R/h immediately after the UNE on the technological platform. Partial decontamination of both equipment and the most polluted sectors of terrain was carried out after the explosion. The maximum levels of radiation in the area of sanitary protection zone amounted to 750 mR/h and 15 mR/h beyond its borders. In 1976—1977, i.e. 5—6 years after the explosion, additional pollution of industrial site by radioactive substances occurred as a result of the drilling of two exploration wells.
From 1995 to 2010, different organizations repeatedly carried out recuperation of UNE territory, as well as diverting the Shacha River at a safe distance from the UNE area; but without sufficient justification, all this work exclude the possibility of long-distance migration of UNE radionuclides with groundwater to settlements located on the left bank of the Gorkov reservoir.
In December 2010, we carried out reconnaissance investigations of the UNE ‘Globus-1’ zone under the support of Administration of Kineshma District of Ivanovo Region. This action included: (i) sampling water from underground sources of drinking water in six settlements away from the UNE epicenter on 4—7 km; (ii) sampling of water with suspension at the epicenter of UNE ‘Globus-1’ from the end of the well tube; (iii) soil and vegetation sampling, as well as the dosimetric measurements near the UNE epicenter; (iv) sampling of aerosols near the UNE epicenter to assess the concentrations of radon decay products. Composition of the radionuclides was studied in the Radiochemistry Chair of the Chemical Department of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
As a result, we found that man-made radionuclides of UNE "Globus-1" are present in underground water sources in villages Vypolzikha, Efremovka, Stiberskoe, Lyskarikha, Galkino and Ilyinskoe.
The specific activity of 137Cs, 90Sr and tritium are varied here accordingly within: 0.047—1.19; 0.012—0.052; 110.5—0.3 Bq/l. that radionuclides specific activity in water located in head of conductor pipe of charge-emplacement hole, was respectively 12330, 672.6 and 3228 Bq/l. 137Cs content ranged from 5.7 to 9640 Bq/l in samples of grass and soil selected around charge-emplacement hole within a radius of up to 5 m. According drilling a borehole no. 3 in Ilyinskoe village, contamination of groundwater by products of UNE ‘Globus-1’ may have existed already in 1982.
In this regard, in 2011, we developed recommendations to refine radiation and medical-biological hazards, as well as deactivation the sources of drinking. In October, 2015, Federal Unitary Enterprise "RosRAO" completed its regular costly works to eliminate dangerous outcomes of UNE ‘Globus-1.’ However, as before, they are held only in the near neighborhood of the UNE and not take into account the revealed facts of radionuclides long-distance migration to subterranean sources of drinking water in these towns.
Based on the research, we conclude that:
(i) UNE ‘Globus-1’ triggered formation of newly formed superimposed structures as tubular subvertical zones of rock crushing in the depths of Reshemsky tectonic uplift of the Moscow syneclise;
(ii) technogenic radionuclides of UNE ‘Globus-1’ are present in underground water sources in Kineshma District of Ivanovo Region at a distance of 6-7 km from the main borehole. Underground drinking water sources in the district should be safing according to legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
(iii) either decontamination area near epicenter of the UNE ‘Globus-1’ or straightening Shacha River channel near this site, or even well abandonment (both charge-emplacement hole and neighbor ones), not prevent further radionuclides groundwater migration to drinking water sources.
(iv) duration, intensity, and medical-biological danger of radioactive pollution of underground waters with products of UNE ‘Globus-1’ remains undefined and needs clarification;
(v) deep seismic sounding method with the use of underground nuclear explosions has established itself as dangerous from an environmental perspective and ambiguous in geological terms.
Keywords: underground nuclear explosion; deep seismic sounding; radionuclides; underground water; Moscow syneclise; Reshem Uplift; migration; source of drinking water.
Cite MLA 7:
Golubov, B. N., and Yu. A. Sapozhnikov. "‘Globus-1’ Underground Nuclear Explosion and Its Radionuclides Long-Range Migration to the Underground Drinking Water Sources in Kineshma District of Ivanovo Region." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 13.1 (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.91>. (In Russian).
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