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Биленко Н.П.
Месячные биоритмы в жизни знаменитых людей Франции
Биленко Николай Петрович, доктор медицинских наук, профессор Кубанского государственного медицинского университета (Краснодар)
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1134-9940
E-mail: nikolay-p-bilenko@j-spacetime.com; corpus@ksma.ru; bilennick@mail.ru
В статье представлен анализ соотношения фаз месячных биоритмов знаменитых французов и членов их семей, а также представителей близкого окружения, подтверждающий, что выраженное несовпадение фаз биоритмов (асинхроноз) пагубно влияет на здоровье совместно проживающих родственников. Особенно это касается длительно пребывающих в одном помещении (прежде всего, в спальне). Показана возможность компенсации, необходимость которой может осознаваться одним из членов семьи интуитивно. При этом полное совпадение фаз месячных биоритмов или выраженная их близость не всегда гарантирует прочность семьи или любовных отношений. Также отмечается, что некоторые из рассмотренных персон, родившиеся в неблагоприятные периоды месяца (около недельные интервалы дней, близких к новолунию и полнолунию), отличаются либо психическим, либо телесным нездоровьем.
Ключевые слова: месячные биоритмы; дни, близкие к новолунию и полнолунию; малые коллективы; семейные пары; здоровье; компенсация; неблагоприятные временны́е интервалы.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Биленко, Н. П. Месячные биоритмы в жизни знаменитых людей Франции [Электронный ресурс] / Н.П. Биленко // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 13. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.81.
Bilenko N.P.
Monthly Biorhythms in the Life of Famous People of France
Nikolay P. Bilenko, M.D., Professor at Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1134-9940
E-mail: nikolay-p-bilenko@j-spacetime.com; corpus@ksma.ru; bilennick@mail.ru
Our twenty-three year (1993—2016) studies of monthly biorhythms revealed correlations between people's health and the effectiveness of interaction within small groups, on the one hand, and periods of months and monthly biorhythms, on the other hand. Thus, I had shown in certain periods of the monthly biorhythm the health of parturient woman and the newborn is under threat: these are circaneomenia and circaplenilune days (in circahebdomadary interval), into which, according to my observations, hypertensive crises and blood clotting are much more frequent. A certain percentage of children born in this period suffer from the effects of birth trauma, either bodily or mental illnesses. Most healthy people are born out of these unfavorable time periods, as well as living in the so-called biorythmically compact families. In such families, the phases of the main biorhythms of cohabiting relatives are often either very close, or even coincide. To determine the biorhythmologic situation in family or within other small groups, I previously proposed the calculation of the monthly biorhythmologic index (MBI), which was on average 2.25 ± 0.27 for healthy members of the family.
The subject matter of my brief phenomenological overview of biorytmically consonant (synergic) and dissonant (antagonistic) pairs and small groups among famous French people: world-known French married and love couples, as well as groups of politicians who left a significant mark in world history, science and culture, are the best illustration of consequences of biorhythmic synergy and asynchronoses. So, two main approaches that I used in my research were biorhythmological and phenomenological ones.
In my article, I analyzed the relationship between monthly biorhythms phases in famous French (beginning with the Enlightenment) and the members of their families, as well as representatives of their inner circle. I chose as examples for my study cases of such couples (love triangle) and small groups (families and collaborates), as Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and their children; Voltaire and Émilie du Châtelet; Robespierre, Saint-Just and Danton; Napoléon Bonaparte, two his wives and Russian Emperor Alexander I; Charles de Gaulle and his daughter Anne; S. de Beauvoir and three main men in her life (J.-P. Sartre, N. Algren and C. Lanzmann); two generation of family of Curie; love triangle A. Rodin — R. Beuret — C. Claudel and P. Claudel; two A. Modigliani’s women (Anna Akhmatova and J. Hébuterne); Marina Vlady and her four husbands; G. Philipe and his wife Anne; love triangle Y. Montand —S. Signoret — Marilyn Monroe; three first cubists P. Picasso, J. Gris, G. Braque and writer M. Jacob; Ch. Dior and Y. Saint Laurent.
Biorythmic analysis of these cases confirmed that the pronounced mismatch of biorhythm phases (asynchronosis) adversely affects health of cohabiting relatives. Especially it concerns long staying in one premise (first of all, in bedroom). In this case, certain social compensation (love ties, separation of spouses) becomes necessary, so one of the members of family (or sometimes both of them) could realize the need for it intuitively. Nevertheless, I conclude the complete coincidence of the phases of monthly biorhythms or expressed proximity does not always guarantee the strength of the family, love and effective business relationships. The main factors here are such ‘epibiorythmic’ ones, as spiritual closeness and qualities of human soul and mind.
Keywords: monthly biorhythms; circaneomenia and circaplenilune days; small collectives; couples; health; compensation; temporal intervals.
Cite MLA 7:
Bilenko, N. P. "Monthly Biorhythms in the Life of Famous People of France." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 13.1 (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.81>. (In Russian).
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