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Комлева Н.А.
Аналитический романтизм. Кейс-эссе
Комлева Наталья Александровна, доктор политических наук, кандидат философских наук, профессор, директор Центра геополитического анализа, Екатеринбург

E-mail: natalia-a-komleva@j-spacetime.com; komleva1@yandex.ru
Данный кейс-эссе посвящён феномену романтизма в отношениях мужчины и женщины: осуществляется неформальный ситуационный анализ различных реальных проявлений романтизма такого рода. После каждого урока, излагающего реальные обстоятельства каких-либо романтических отношений, делаются выводы и приводятся упражнения на закрепление изложенного материала. В конце кейс-эссе помещено домашнее задание на усвоение пройденного.
Ключевые слова: романтизм; романтические отношения; любовь; обстоятельства; ошибки.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Комлева, Н. А. Аналитический романтизм. Кейс-эссе [Электронный ресурс] / Н.А. Комлева // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 13. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.71.
Komleva N.A.
Analytical Romanticism: The Case-Essay.
Natalia A. Komleva, D.Phil. (Political Sciences), Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Center for Geopolitical Analysis, Yekaterinburg
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0184-6182
E-mail: natalia-a-komleva@j-spacetime.com; komleva1@yandex.ru
The basis of romanticism in both art and human relationships is idea about free expression of feelings of human. In this sense, romanticism does not just exist ‘as such’, it certainly realized in the life of each person. However, circumstances and especially the consequences of romanticism in relationships often are not romantic. Conversely, relationships that at first glance are unromantic may contain romantic core. These factors should be considered in order to not fall into the common ‘traps of romanticism’ and at the same time not to make even more serious mistake of abandoning the very idea of romantic happiness in a relationship.
The subject matter of my article is phenomenon of romanticism in relations between women and men, which I examine using informal situational analysis and narrative approach. This article is a kind of case-essay carried out in a textbook format that contains separate chapters-‘lessons’, conclusions from them and exercises for each lesson, as well as homework instead of traditional concluding chapter.
In this textbook, I consider 15 ‘lessons’, i.e. 15 cases of well-known figures which relations may be qualified as ‘romantic’:
(i) Joséphine de Beauharnais and Napoleon Bonaparte as the case of pragmatic approach to romantic relations between women and men,
(ii) Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik as the case of danger of romantic love to femme fatale, i.e. a woman who ‘does not fit’ into the framework of ideas about a possible and acceptable of one who loves her, as well as the danger of love to someone who got used to easily consume love and loving,
(iii) Mata Hari and Vadim Maslov as the case of disastrous consequences of romantic love for itself,
(iv) Maria Volkonskaya (Raevskaya) and her husband Decembrist Count Sergey Volkonsky as the case of romantic view on duties before those with whom she got spliced before God,
(v) Elizabeth I Tudor and two her favorites, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, and Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex as the case of ‘pragmatic frustration’ of romantic feelings,
(vii) Sofia Tolstaya (Bers) and Lev Tolstoy as the case of preservation of reciprocal affection in conflict between reality and the ideal romantic beliefs,
(viii) Camille Claudel and August Rodin as tragic case of self-destruction in romantic relations,
(ix) Russian Emperor Paul I of Russia and his predilection for Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta as tragic case of romanticism in politics,
(x) ‘triangle’ of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, Adele Bloch-Bauer and Gustav Klimt as the case of manipulation on romantic interrelation in pragmatic goals,
(xi) romantic love stories in five generation of Russian noble family of Zagryazhskys — Goncharovs — Pushins as the case of hereditary predisposition to violent passionate relationship,
(xii) Caterina Sforza, her three husbands and her revenge assailants as the case of unromantic behavior of the strong overbearing woman, that began to feel romantic after a while because of the bright unusual circumstances, which have become legendary,
(xiii) Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz-Mahal as the case of legend about romantic love that turned out to be a heavy financial burden for the state,
(xiv) ‘triangle’ of Evgeny Shilovky, his wife Elena Shilovskaya and Mikhail A. Bulgakov who married with Elena Shilovskaya thereafter as the case of spiritual knighthood towards beloved woman (to Evgeny Shilovky), from the one hand, and inability to confront passion for both colorful life and its romantic embodiment (to Elena Shilovskaya), from the other hand,
(xv) Jenny von Westphalen and Karl Marx as the case of consciously accepted unromantic life, which was the consequence of romantic illusions and expectations,
(xvi) John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman as the case of successful congery of pragmatic (financial) interests and romantic interrelations.
My conclusions from those cases of romanticism are as follows:
everyone at any period of his life feels the need for romanticism and romantic relationships;
reasonable view on romantic relationships, their sober analysis are difficult matter, but this matter is even more necessary than romanticism itself.
Keywords: romanticism; romantic relations; love; circumstances; mistakes.
Cite MLA 7:
Komleva, N. A. "Analytical Romanticism: The Case-Essay." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 13.1 (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.71>. (In Russian).
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