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Комлева Н.А.
Иран: геополитический портрет
Комлева Наталья Александровна, доктор политических наук, профессор, директор Центра геополитического анализа, Екатеринбург

E-mail: natalia-a-komleva@j-spacetime.com; komleva1@yandex.ru
В статье рассматриваются основные характеристики Исламской Республики Иран как региональной сверхдержавы Среднего Востока. Утверждается, что геополитическое присутствие Ирана базируется на четырех основных факторах, называемых автором «иранским квадратом» — шиизме, арийстве, коммуникациях и энергетических ресурсах.
Ключевые слова: Иран; «иранский квадрат»; шиизм; арийство; коммуникации; энергетические ресурсы.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Комлева, Н. А. Иран: геополитический портрет [Электронный ресурс] / Н.А. Комлева // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 13. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.42.
Komleva N.A.
Iran: Geopolitical Portrait
Natalia A. Komleva, D.Ph. (Political Sciences), Professor, Director of the Center for Geopolitical Analysis, Yekaterinburg

E-mail: natalia-a-komleva@j-spacetime.com; komleva1@yandex.ru
Nowadays, studying the main features of Islamic Republic of Iran as the Middle East regional superpower is of acute interest to comprehend real reasons of Iran’s geopolitical behavior. So, research subject of this article is Iranian specific way of geopolitical presence, which I examine using phenomenological and system analysis in the framework of historical and genetic approach.
I assume that the right base of Iran’s geopolitical activity is ‘Iranian square’, whose main components are the following: (i) Shia, (ii) Arianism, (iii) communications and (iv) energetic resources. In my article, I examine the manifestations of these four elements in the Caspian region: (i) Shia as a factor of ethno-religious and ethno-regional consolidation / separatism, (ii) Arianism as a direct attractive principle, on which the concept of Greater Iran rests and which is the basis of prohibiting external geopolitical (leadership) in the region, (iii) communications that makes Iran one of the most significant element of ensuring connectivity of the Eurasian space, (iv) energetic resources as a factor of both Iran's foreign economic attractiveness as a supplier of energy carriers and risks of foreign political pressure, external and internal conflictness and secession.
My conclusions are as follows:
(i) Iran as the Middle East regional superpower plays a significant role in economic, political and ideological processes not only in its own region, but also in Eurasia in general;
(ii) Such geopolitical portrait of Iran, which it formed by the first quarter of the 21st century, can be considered in terms of the ‘greater spaces’ as the resultant of centuries of folding the geopolitical landscape of not only the Greater Iran (or even more of Greater Caspian region), but the entire Greater Middle East and Eurasia in whole. The formation of each of the four components of the ‘Iranian square’ had its own features conditioned by the nature of internal and external political space and, accordingly, its own (‘characteristic’) time. One can assume that in the future, four elements of the ‘Iranian square’ while remaining closely interlinked (topologically, because geopolitical ‘square’, as well as other geopolitical ‘figures’ are precisely a sort of topology, but not the geometry), will both affect the appropriate landscape and influenced by it not always simultaneously. However, it is during peak periods of interconnection of these elements (which corresponds to the maximum coincidence of ‘own speed’ of deploying process of ideological and infrastructural components of the ‘square’), the role of Iran as a regional power of the Middle East is the most important in Eurasian scale;
(iii) In turn, Tehran's control over every element of its topos is, in fact, ‘renovation imperii’, restoration of the Empire, or rather, its own imperial political and geopolitical landscape that we can see over the past decades. Similar processes in two states of ‘imperial topos’ (and of relatively recent imperial historical past) neighboring with Iran, does not seem odd to us: those processes reflect, apparently, pan-Eurasian trend, in the format of which the stability and continuity (topology) of the Eurasian space will be determined by the topology of geopolitical triangle Russia — Iran — Turkey.
Keywords: Iran; ‘Iranian square’; Shia; Arianism; communications; energetic resources.
Cite MLA 7:
Komleva, N. A. "Iran: Geopolitical Portrait." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 13.1 (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast13-1.2016.42>. (In Russian).
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