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2016. Том 12. Выпуск 1. Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма / Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea / Krimforschung: Raum und Zeit des Krim
Сеитова Э.И.
К вопросу социально-бытовой адаптации колхозников-переселенцев в послевоенном Крыму
Сеитова Эльвина Изетовна, кандидат исторических наук, преподаватель кафедры истории ГБОУВО РК «Крымский инженерно-педагогический институт», сотрудник Крымского научного Центра Института истории им. Ш. Марджани АН Республики Татарстан (Симферополь)

E-mail: elvina-i-seitova@j-spacetime.com; elvina_seitova@mail.ru
В итоге Великой Отечественной войны Крым понес значительные людские потери. Для восстановления демографического потенциала, инфраструктуры и народного хозяйства, Государственный комитет обороны признал необходимым переселить в Крым из различных областей РСФСР и УССР трудоспособных колхозников. В статье представлено исследование такой важнейшей составляющей государственной программы адаптации переселенцев, как система льгот для них, которая включала компенсацию всех видов затрат связанных с перевозкой людей из мест выхода до мест вселения, расходов, связанных с благополучным прибытием и расселением новоселов, а также их максимально комфортного проживания на полуострове.
Ключевые слова: трудовая миграция, социальная адаптация, система льгот, демографический потенциал, народное хозяйство, сельскохозяйственное переселение, колхозники-переселенцы.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Сеитова, Э. И. К вопросу социально-бытовой адаптации колхозников-переселенцев в послевоенном Крыму [Электронный ресурс] / Э.И. Сеитова // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 12. — Вып. 1: Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.24.
Seitova E.I.
On the Matter of Migrant Collective Farmers’ Social Adaptation in Postwar Crimea.
Elvina I. Seitova, Ph.D. (History), Lecturer at the Chair of History, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Researcher at Researcher at Crimean Scientific Center at Shigabutdin Marjani Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (Simferopol)

E-mail: elvina-i-seitova@j-spacetime.com; elvina_seitova@mail.ru
The problem of organizing in-country labor migration and social and household adaptation of migrants in places of arrival is relevant from both historical and administrative (social and economic) points of view.
The subject matter of my article is postwar labor resettlement into Crimea: using source and narrative (juridical and economic) analysis as research methodology, I examine development of household adaptation system and administrative measurements in Crimean collective farming in 1944—1964.
As a result of the Great Patriotic War, Crimea had huge human losses. To restore the demographic potential, infrastructure, and national farming, the Governmental Committee of Defense recognized the need to resettle able-bodied collective farm workers to Crimea from different regions of Russia and Ukraine. With the goal of active settling and also a successful and quick adaption of the arriving people, a system of benefits was introduced and implemented. It implied the compensation of all kinds of costs connected with transportation of the resettlers from places where they used to live, to places where they were going to live; costs connected with their successful arrival and settlement and also their maximal comfortable living on the Crimean peninsula.
Based on archival sources, I show the main problems of Soviet farm adaptation system were as follows:
(i) incompetent human resources policy of local Resettlement Committees (in the early stages, disabled farmers or even random people often forcibly were resettled to a rural area of the Crimea);
(ii) lack of adequate housing on arrival points in Crimea, as well as insufficient construction of residential homes of farmstead type in rural areas without long-term development plan;
(iii) lack of the necessary number of material and technical means, and in some cases the lack of technical, financial and administrative support itself; failure or total absence of expenditure on needs of resettlers’ families; lack of compensation for farm left on a former place of residence.
These drawbacks have been overcome in 20 years increased administrative control (tightened control over the development of state funds allocated for the resettlement activities; Resettlement Main Office initiated inspection of settlement process in the region with direct arrival at particular collective and state farms; requirements for accountable documents were raised).
I conclude that in the Soviet Union, in-country labor migration was an important part of the post-war economic recovery. However, these measures were implemented without taking into account human factors and slowed down (reduced level) development of human and economic potential. Rigid state administration formally contributes to achieving social adaptation, but it is guided by the needs of the state machine, rather than human ones.
Keywords: labor migration, social adaptation, benefit system, demographic potential, national economy, farm resettlement, collective farmers-resettlers.
Cite MLA 7:
Seitova, E. I. "On the Matter of Migrant Collective Farmers’ Social Adaptation in Postwar Crimea." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 12.1 (‘Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea’) (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.24>. (In Russian).
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