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2016. Том 12. Выпуск 1. Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма / Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea / Krimforschung: Raum und Zeit des Krim
Кравчук А.С.
К истории административных практик таврического гражданского губернатора Дмитрия Борисовича Мертваго (1803—1807)
Кравчук Александр Сергеевич, аспирант кафедры исторического регионоведения и краеведения, Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского, Симферополь

E-mail: alexander-s-kravchuk@j-spacetime.com; alexandrkravchuk@ukr.net
Впервые на основе различных архивных данных и других источников воссоздана деятельность второго таврического гражданского губернатора Д.Б. Мертваго. Рассмотрена его работа в качестве председателя Комиссии по разрешению земельных споров и Крымской соляной части.
Ключевые слова: Крым, Таврическая губерния, таврический гражданский губернатор, Д.Б. Мертваго, Крымское училище виноделия, Комиссия по разрешению земельных споров, Крымская соляная часть, Таврическое магометанское духовное правление.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Кравчук, А. С. К истории административных практик таврического гражданского губернатора Дмитрия Борисовича Мертваго (1803—1807) [Электронный ресурс] / А.С. Кравчук // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 12. — Вып. 1: Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.11.
Kravchuk A.S.
Towards the History of Civil Taurida Governor Dmitry Mertvago’s Administratie Practices (1803—1807)
Alexander S. Kravchuk, postgraduate student at the Chair of Historical Regional Studies and Local History, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

E-mail: alexander-s-kravchuk@j-spacetime.com; alexandrkravchuk@ukr.net
Studying experience in managing administrative and territorial units of centralized ethnically non-homogenous territorial and political systems (Empires) is of interest for the historians, political analysts and the administrators not only theoretically but also in practical terms. One of the most effective approaches to such investigations is prosopographic one, especially when it is used for studying early nineteenth-century administration elite in such frontier region recently joined the Russian Empire, as Crimea. This approach is important to understanding principles applied in imperial regional and public administration.
My article is a brief prosopographyc essay on the second civil Taurida governor Dmitry Mertvago’s public administration and social activity.
Thanks to his connections with eminent statesmen of Catherine's era and the reign of Paul I, Dmitry Mertvago became significant administrative figure in Crimea and one of the most prominent government officials in the history of this region. Using archive sources and narrative analysis, I have analyzed Mertvago’s work as both founder of Crimean Winemaking Training School of and Head of Commission for Settlement of Land Disputes and Crimean Salt Expedition.
So, I show that, on the one hand, the main purpose of the Dmitry Mertvago’ activities in all his various administrative capacities was the task of social-political unification of the region as part of the Russian Empire. In this regard, Taurida Governor was a true son of his epoch, and even outpaced it. Thus, Dmitry Mertvago became a kind of anti-crisis manager and a fighter against corruption in the affairs of Commission for Settlement of Land Disputes and Crimean Salt Expedition. Moreover, Taurida governor created his own project for colonization of Crimea with attraction both potential faithful subjects and perspective taxpayers, including ethnic groups such as Greeks and Armenians (with simultaneous eviction of unpromising economically, socially dangerous and declassed residents). In the years of threat of war with Napoleon, and the next Russian-Turkish war, he was able to organize Crimean Tatar cavalry divisions, devotees of Russia and its Emperor, and he tried to form genuinely functioning Taurida Spiritual Muslim Directorate. On the other hand, Dmitry Mertvago’s methods of governance and administrative practices belonged to the recent past of the 18th century and to a large extent were based on personal and estate-corporate relations.
I conclude Mertvago’s work as a civil Taurida governor is an example of the work of the official-reformer of the early 19th century. He, who has obtain operating control over the province in ‘zero’ state, for a short period of time managed to lay the foundations for the future prosperity of the region. This speaks in favor of the effectiveness of such type of governance in Russia, perhaps, not only at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, but also on each turn of epochs in the border areas.
Keywords: Crimea, Taurida Governorate, Taurida governor, Dmitry Mertvago, Crimean Winemaking Training School, Commission for Settlement of Land Disputes, Crimean Salt Expedition, Taurida Spiritual Muslim Directorate.
Cite MLA 7:
Kravchuk, A. S. "Towards the History of Civil Taurida Governor Dmitry Mertvago’s Administratie Practices (1803—1807)." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 12.1 (‘Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea’) (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.11>. (In Russian).
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